What do Muslims believe? What is Islamism? Anti Islam? Muslim Beliefs? Criticism of Political Islam. Pro Moderate Islam. 5 Interviews.
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Muslim beliefs, Islam beliefs, and the West Mark Durie Pamela Geller Fred LItwin Raheel Raza Bill Warner

Bill Warner, Political Islam   blog, website, book

Mark Durie, The Third Choice   blog, website, book

Pamela Geller, AtlasShrugs   blog, website, book

Raheel Raza, Their Jihad, Not My Jihad   blog, website, book

Fred Litwin, Free Thinking Film Festival   blog, website, book


Islamic culture, multiculturalism and political correctness

Anti Islam beliefs, pro freedom of speech

universal human rights

What do Muslims believe?
What is Islamism? Anti Islam?
Understanding Islam and Muslim Beliefs.
Criticism of Political Islam.
Pro Moderate Islam.
5 Interviews.

Mark Durie, Raheel Raza, Bill Warner, Pamela Geller and Fred Litwin. Those are the 5 people being interviewed in September.

Some of the questions are: who are they as people?

They will also be talking about what they've learned about Islam and the West.

What do Muslims believe? What is Islamism? Is it anti Islam to be anti terrorism and Jihad? Or is this the true Islam? Who is a true Muslim? Is it a moderate Muslim who rejects jihad? Or is such a Muslim to be seen as anti-Islam?

What is happening with political Islam, with Islamism, with jihad and the Muslim Brotherhood, with revolutionary Sunni Islamism, with Iran and Pakistan? And why is this happening?

Each of the people interviewed has explored Islam and Muslim beliefs in different ways.

Also, understanding Islam takes many forms:
- looking at the Qu'ran,
- asking experts,
- looking at the changing behavior of Muslims,
- looking at the strands of Islam,
- looking at the increasing Muslim demands for political sharia,
- looking at the legal actions taken to silence those who exercise freedom of speech that some Muslims claim offends them, or that can be taken as criticism of Islam.

What do Muslims believe? There are huge differences in Muslim beliefs, including from one generation to another, with a current movement away from moderate Islam. It's important to look at why this is happening. Is it the holy book of Islam that is creating the upsurge of jihad and political Islam? Or is it people using intimidation and violence to enforce their vision of Islam who are are the core of it?

Mark Durie, Raheel Raza, Bill Warner, Pamela Geller and Fred Litwin have not only looked at the Muslim religion, Muslim beliefs, the holy book of Islam and so on.

They've also looked at the West, and especially its prevalent political correctness, where dominant forces usually side with Islamist demands against freedom of speech, and tar anyone who disagrees as racist and Islamophobic.

How dangerous is the political correctness of the West, in terms of helping weaken the West, weaken moderate Islam - and strengthen Islamism, political Islam? Several of those interviewed explore this.

Another very big question. Why is the West so politically correct these days? Why is it allowing increasing Islamist encroachments on freedom of speech? Does it just come from a sense of guilt for historic wrongs?

Or is political correctness a mask for fear - fear of Islam, Islamists - fear of the very thing the politically correct supposedly support?

And finally, what are the most effective actions?

Mark Durie, Raheel Raza, Bill Warner, Pamela Geller and Fred Litwin - caring, thoughtful, insightful - share their answers.

What do Muslims believe?
What is Islamism? Anti Islam?
Understanding Islam and Muslim Beliefs.
Criticism of Political Islam.
Pro Moderate Islam.
5 Interviews.

free ebook on Islam


To go from, what do Muslims believe, to resources
on Islam beliefs, criticism of Islam and more, click here

World Truth Summit


Personal Journeys Toward Difficult Truths:
Understanding Islam, Understanding the West

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free ebook on Islam




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Mark Durie
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Pamela Geller
Pamela Geller

Bill Warner
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Raheel Raza
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Fred Litwin
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Majed El Shafie
Majed El Shafie


Citizen Warrior
Citizen Warrior

click here


To go from, what do Muslims believe, to resources
on Islam beliefs, criticism of Islam and more, click here


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